Category Archives: Entertainment

Women with tattoos have ruined dating forever

DEAR ABBY: I recently went on a first (and last) date with a “gentleman.” He ordered himself a beer and a prime rib dinner. He never asked me if I wanted anything to eat or drink. As flabbergasted as I was, I have a theory: Men today are different from those of the past, and my guess it’s because the pierced and tattooed gals today speak and act like sailors, therefore ruining it for the rest of us. Am I right? — PUZZLED IN FLORIDA

Dear Puzzled,

It would hard for someone to be more right than you are, because the honest truth is that when women—we use the term loosely, as we must—get tattoos and body piercings, they prevent you from being able to order food at a restaurant. These thoughtless, body-defiling tarts think little of how their actions will affect other people who rely on them for the ability to read a menu and speak to a server. Continue reading

Texas school bans George Strait song for encouraging sexual promiscuity

Check-Yes-or-NoA Texas school has banned a song by country music singer George Strait because they say it is encouraging sexual promiscuity in students. They are currently looking at banning the singer entirely for fear of the message he is sending to kids.

It all began when a gym teacher from Altruria ISD found two fifth grade students kissing on the playground. They say it began with the passing of a note in class earlier that day which asked the other student to check yes or no if they would “love” them later on. School administrators fear that the term love is now becoming a code word for intercourse. Continue reading